Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 29 October 2024
29 Oct 2024
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 29 October 2024. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Recognition of Vietnam veteran Alwyn Craig's service to Australia
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to facilitate the use of City Hall for a special medal presentation by the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment recognising the military service of Alwyn Craig, a long-time member of the Newcastle community.
Ordinary business
Performance benchmarking comparator
Council noted that City of Newcastle (CN) has been invited to participate in a performance benchmarking project comprising of similar-sized councils in NSW, Victoria and Queensland, with an update on the outcome of the comparison to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025.
Authorisation for signing of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024
Council received the draft Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 and formally referred them to City of Newcastle's Auditor, the Audit Office of New South Wales, in accordance with Section 413(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 (Act).
Adoption of fees for Lord Mayor and Councillors (including superannuation)
Council voted unanimously to approve the Lord Mayor and Councillors to be paid the maximum fee payable (as per the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal's annual determination) for the duration of the Council term.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest annual report
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the financial year 2023/2024 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Islington cycleway
Council voted unanimously to approve a bidirectional cycleway along Chinchen Street and Hubbard Street Islington, from Linden Street to John Hooker Street, which includes a combination of on-road separated cycleway and off-road shared path sections.
Supplementary report - interim appointment of City of Newcastle representatives on Newcastle Airport and related companies
Council noted that Lord Mayor Ross Kerridge has declared a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interest in regard to Newcastle Airport, which he will manage by declining appointment to any associated roles. Jeremy Bath and Nuatali Nelmes will continue for an interim period as City of Newcastle's Nominee Directors and shareholder representatives of Newcastle Airport and its various companies, until a new appointment is selected to the Ordinary Council Meeting in February 2025.
Granting of easement - University Drive catchment rehabilitation
Council voted unanimously to approve the creation of an easement in City of Newcastle's favour on Hunter Water Corporation's land at 131 Lorna Street Waratah West to ensure CN has continued access for maintenance purposes.
Voting delegates for the Local Government New South Wales annual conference
Council unanimously approved an amended motion and voted to nominate Lord Mayor Ross Kerridge, Deputy Lord Mayor Callum Pull, Cr Sinead Francis-Coan, Cr Declan Clausen, Cr Deahnna Richardson, Cr Elizabeth Adamczyk and Cr Nuatali Nelmes as voting delegates for the 2024 Local Government New South Wales Annual Conference, which will be held from 17-19 November 2024 in Tamworth.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for September 2024.
Tender report - provision of legal services
Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for the provision of external legal services to City of Newcastle.
Tender report - civil design services panel contract
Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for the provision of Civil Design and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drafting services for projects within City of Newcastle's works program.
Tender report - bulk haulage of recyclables
Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for the bulk haulage of kerbside collected recyclables to a Material Recovery Facility located at Somersby on the Central Coast.
Tender report - supply of ready mixed concrete
Council voted unanimously to establish a panel of suppliers from which a participating council in the Hunter region may source ready mixed concrete material in support of operational needs on an as required basis.
Notices of Motion
Recommitting to social, affordable and liveable housing in Newcastle
Council supported an amended notice of motion to reaffirm Council’s commitment to provide council-owned land for social (affordable) housing, supported by amenity and infrastructure in well-serviced neighbourhoods. Council will receive a briefing on the status of City-led social housing projects, including at Rail Bridge Row, as community hubs, and co-located with community facilities such as libraries, parks, and halls, in sites throughout the city for example, in Beresfield, Hamilton, Mayfield and Wallsend.
Supporting community in household electrification
Council supported an amended notice of motion that resolved to, as part of City of Newcastle’s Empowering Newcastle program, investigate options to advocate for or deliver City-wide initiatives that support equity in access to renewable energy and electrification.
Investigate other site options for the proposed Hunter Indoor Sports Centre
Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion noting that the Hunter Indoor Sports Centre is State Significant Development and will be assessed and determined by the NSW Government’s Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, and invited community members and Councillors to make individual submissions to the State Significant Development assessment process by 11 November 2024.
Late item of business
Expedition of Minmi Road widening works
Council unanimously supported a late item of business to request that staff examine the potential for the September quarterly budget review process to include a significant increase in funding for the Minmi Road widening project between Wallsend and Fletcher to enable construction to be significantly brought forward to as soon as January 2025.