Precautionary action taken ahead of hazardous conditions
07 Feb 2020
City of Newcastle is taking precautionary actions ahead of predicted large ocean swells and high tides with heavy rainfall predicted for Saturday and Sunday (8 and 9 February 2020).
The east coast low like conditions and a predicted 2-metre high tide on Sunday 9 February increases the likelihood of erosion at Stockton Beach, and potentially create dangerous conditions for coastal activities, increase potential for localised flooding and risk of fallen trees.
City of Newcastle will be undertaking proactive reinforcement of the sand-bag wall at north Stockton near Griffith Street and Stone Street using additional one-tonne sandbags.
The following traffic and pedestrian arrangements will be in place for Stockton from Friday 7 February to facilitate these works:
- Barrie Crescent in Stockton will be open for one-way traffic only
- No parking zones will be established in Barrie Crescent Stockton
The Stockton Beach accessways along the Mitchell Street seawall and the northern access at Stone Street will be closed and the accessways at the Stockton Surf Life Saving Club and near Lexie’s Café will be monitored and may be closed subject to conditions.
Other locations across Newcastle that may be affected by hazardous conditions include:
- Shortland Esplanade and promenades along City beaches, including the Newcastle and Merewether Ocean Baths
- All beaches in the Newcastle Local Government Area (LGA)
- Low-lying roads
- Local roads across the Newcastle LGA.
In addition, the City has also made the decision to close all of its sportsgrounds for competition games and training. Sportsgrounds will be reassessed on Monday and a further update will be provided regarding their suitability for use.
City of Newcastle requests all residents and visitors to be aware of changing conditions and potential road closures and follow directional signage, warnings notices and instructions of City of Newcastle staff and other authorities.
Please stay safe when moving in and around the City in the predicted weather event.
To stay up to date on the most current weather warnings, please follow the Bureau of Meteorology http://www.bom.gov.au/
For emergency advice contact State Emergency Service www.ses.nsw.gov.au Phone 132 500