Refreshed playgrounds being reopened to the community
07 Mar 2023
Families are celebrating City of Newcastle's ongoing investment in recreational spaces, with the completion of the first of five new playgrounds this year being upgraded across the city.
Vera Wilson Park at Beresfield was officially opened to the public today as part of City of Newcastle's (CN) annual playground improvement program, with Loch Ness Drive Park in Fletcher, Harold Myers Park in Birmingham Gardens, Avon Street Reserve in Mayfield, and Waratah Park all set to be completed within coming months.
Upgraded equipment at Vera Wilson Park caters for a range of ages, with swings, challenging climbing components, slides and multi-play units. Other features of the upcoming playgrounds include a new stairway at Fletcher and a mini trampoline at Waratah.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said up to five of Newcastle’s 134 local playgrounds are replaced each year under a commitment to delivering improved recreational opportunities for families across the local government area.
"The park was originally named in 1969 after Beresfield Progress Association life-member and British Empire Medal recipient, Vera Wilson, for her dedication to improving the Beresfield area including this playground on Beresford Avenue," Cr Nelmes said.
"As a member of the Beresfield Progress Association, Miss Wilson was a trailblazer and frequently advocated for improvements to the park, so it's wonderful to unveil the newly upgraded Park in honour of her legacy for future generations and the Beresfield community to enjoy.
"A community event will be held at Vera Wilson Park on Tuesday 18 April at 12pm, showcasing how our local parks and playgrounds are places where our community can come together to relax and interact.
"The turnout at previous local playground community opening events reinforces the important role these public spaces play within local neighbourhoods, which is why we continue to invest in playground projects."
City of Newcastle has invested more than $9.5 million in playground projects during the past five years, including the recently opened $2 million Wallsend Active Hub.
Detailed design work is also continuing for the play space at Gregson Park and on the fully-fenced accessible play space and waterpark in Foreshore Park as part of the implementation of CN’s adopted Newcastle Harbour Foreshore Masterplan.
To stay up-to-date with the progress and to find out about works in your neighbourhood visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/works