Sporting facilities set for upgrades thanks to City of Newcastle grant funding
21 Oct 2021
Sporting facility upgrades for Alder Park in New Lambton, Empire Park opposite Bar Beach, Cook Park in Shortland and Hamilton Park Tennis Club are among 59 projects awarded a combined $450,000 in funding from the City of Newcastle.
Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz, who is a member of the City’s Liveable Cities Advisory Committee, said the grant funding is eligible to projects that improve sportsgrounds used by grassroots sporting clubs.
"Novocastrians love their sport, which is why City of Newcastle is committed to assisting local clubs with projects that will benefit the region's players for years to come," Cr Winney-Baartz said.
"Grant funding provides clubs the opportunity to enhance the facilities they use on a weekly basis, without impacting upon the cost of playing.
"The injection of $450,000 of grant funding into the local economy will also assist in the creation of jobs as Newcastle recovers from COVID-19 and the recent lockdown."
Image: Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz and New Lambton FC President Clayton Harrison at Alder Park, which will benefit from new seating thanks to City of Newcastle grant funding.
New Lambton Eagles Football Club President Clayton Harrison said that the grant funding secured through City of Newcastle's Infrastructure Grants Program will be used to enhance spectator experience with new seating at Alder Park.
"We're grateful for the financial support from City of Newcastle, which will allow our club to install tiered seating at Alder Park in New Lambton," Mr Harrison said.
"The seating will not only benefit New Lambton FC spectators throughout the winter season, but also the athletics community which operates from the park during summer."
Financial support has also been provided to Wallsend Football Club for playing surface improvements at Cook Park, Hamilton Park Tennis Club for electrical upgrades and Merewether District Cricket Club for irrigation upgrades at Empire Park.
The Community Support and Infrastructure Grants assist a wide variety of projects across diverse funding streams including arts, culture and heritage projects, environmental programs and social inclusion initiatives. Façade improvement projects and sustainability initiatives have also been funded through the program.