Stockton parking woes set to ease under car park expansion plan
26 Oct 2017
The number of parking spaces at Stockton’s ferry terminal could more than double to help deal with the growing number of commuters using the site each day.
Newcastle City Council voted this week to begin investigating the feasibility of expanding parking options at Stockton, including increasing the size of the ferry terminal car park and adding a new ferry stop.
A concept plan under design would see the total number of parking spaces at the terminal increase from 120 to more than 250, with the existing car park extended to the east.
"Increasing demand for parking spaces at Stockton means we must investigate options now," Council Interim CEO Jeremy Bath said.
"The first step is to engage the community - talk to them, find out what they want, what their concerns are and how we can create acceptable solutions that provide long-term benefits for the city."
“We'll speak to the community about landscaping, lighting and whether the 250-plus spaces should be offered on a free, timed or paid basis."
Detailed design is expected to take place in early 2018.
The proposed expansion of parking is separate to plans by Supercars Australia to operate a much larger temporary park and ride car park at Stockton Foreshore for the 24-26 November Newcastle 500 weekend.
That parking plan, designed to reduce the number of cars travelling into the CBD, includes user-pays space for up to 2000 vehicles.
Council also received a petition with 100 signatures from residents of Stockton and surrounding suburbs, seeking a solution to commuter parking issues.
Among their concerns is the increase in commuters parking nearby residential streets, depriving locals of parking spaces in front of their own homes.