Suburban services offer Anzac Day options
23 Apr 2018
For those wishing to pay their respects on Anzac Day but are unable make the Nobbys Beach Dawn Service, five suburban commemorations are being held across Newcastle.
Hamilton's traditional Dawn Service will be held inside Gregson Park, where the memorial has recently been restored.
Hamilton Public School students will take part in the service and afterwards the school's P&C Association will offer bacon and egg rolls and coffee for a gold coin donation in the school grounds across Tudor Street.
The Gregson Park Memorial was restored ahead of Anzac Day.
The Merewether service will be held at the World War One Memorial Gates on the corner of Robert and Mitchell streets at Townson Oval, beginning at 6.30am.
"As well as the significant crowd at the 5am Nobbys Dawn Service, these local services are well patronised, " Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"I'd like to remind everyone that the best way to reach Nobbys is by the free Park and Ride service from Broadmeadow, and encourage those who can’t make it to turn out in Gregson Park, Merewether's Mitchell Park (Townson Oval), Wallsend Diggers, Lambton Park, Beresfieled, Shortland and Stockton for the services there."
Lambton-New Lambton will play host to four separate commemorations between 7am and 11am (see below for detail)
In Wallsend, the dawn march will leave Wallsend Diggers on Tyrrell Street for Federal Park for a service there before returning to the Club.
Stockton's Dawn Service will be held at the Cenotaph on the corner of Mitchell and Hereford streets from 5.30am, before the main service at the Cenotaph between 8.15am and 9.30am.
Hamilton march and Dawn Service - Gregson Park
- 5am - March forms up near Gregson Park cannons
- 5.20am - March steps off proceeds along Steel St side of park before turning right near corner of Tudor St.
- 5.30am - Dawn service begins at Gregson Park
- 6.15am - Breakfast is available at Hamilton Public School across Tudor Street from Gregson Park. Provided by Hamilton Public School P&C Association.
Merewether dawn service and sub-branch brekkie - Townson Oval (Mitchell Park)
- 6.30am - Service begins at World War One memorial gates on the corner of Robert and Mitchell streets
- 7.30am - RSL Sub-Branch Members only breakfast at South Newcastle Leagues Club, Llewellyn Street Merewether, open to the general public from 7.30am
Wallsend: March to Federal Park and Dawn Service
- 5am - March commences in front of Wallsend Diggers, then into Nelson and Boscawen streets to Federal Park No. 1 Cenotaph, where the service and wreath laying will be held.
- 6.15am - March back to Wallsend Diggers.
Stockton Dawn Service, march and main service
- 5am - Service personnel and veterans marching to the Cenotaph will meet at the Stockton RSL and Citizens Club. The march will start forming up from 5.15am, set off at 5.30am for the dawn service at the Cenotaph.
- 8.30am - Main march: All marchers should assemble in the area surrounding the General Washington Hotel at the corner of Hunter and Mitchell streets from 8am.
- The march will proceed along Mitchell Street to the Cenotaph. On arrival the Catafalque Party will form up on the Cenotaph, and the official Anzac service will begin at 8.45am, after which the contingent will return to Stockton RSL Club for the traditional get together and refreshments.
Lambton-New Lambton services and March
- 7am-7.30am - Short service and wreath laying at the New Lambton war memorial gates, corner Tauranga Road and Hobart Road
- 8.45-9.15am - Short service and wreath laying at Lambton Park memorial gates, Morehead St,
- 9.45am - Wreath laying and Last Post service at Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre, Durham Road.
- 10.15am - March, forming up on Durham Rd and proceeding via Karoola Rd to the Lambton Bowls, Sport and Recreation Club. It is intended to halt the march “off road” in the Club car park
- 11.00am - Main service at Lambton Bowls, Sport and Recreation Club, Karoola Rd, Lambton.
Beresfield Chapter of Maitland RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Day Memorial Service
- 05.30 - Form up at the Beresfield Community War Memorial at the corner of Anderson Drive and Allandale Street Beresfield.
- March to the War Memorial is approximately 200 metres.
- 5.40am - Dawn Service. In the event of inclement weather. the Service will take place at the Beresfield Crematorium on Anderson Drive. After the Service, Breakfast will be held at Beresfield Bowling Club.
- 9am - Traditional Anzac Day entertainment commences. For further information please call 0249 336 90
Shortland RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Day Service and brekkie
- 5.50am - Anzac Day Service in our Memorial Garden 3 Conmurra Circuit Shortland
- Breakfast after the Service for a gold coin donation.
For interviews call 4974 2264 or let me know by return email.