Summerhill hosts State Protection Group Dog Unit
29 Mar 2017
Newcastle City Council was delighted to host canine heroes of the future on Thursday when trainee police sniffer dogs were put through training drills at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Six dogs from the State Protection Group Dog Unit put their noses to work on scents planted among waste at the city's major disposal centre as part of training exercises in urban search and rescue.
Stockpiles of concrete and other materials disposed of at the site helped dog unit officers simulate building collapses and avalanche-type scenarios.
The piles provide excellent dress rehearsals in rugged terrain for a variety of breeds trained by police to detect drugs, explosives and human remains.
"It's a privilege to be able to host the State Protection Group Dog Unit," Manager of Councils Waste Services Darren North said.
"It's the second time we've had them here this year, and as the dogs and officers from the squad will be on the front line in the event of any type of disaster, we're more than happy to host them whenever they or other emergency services need training scenarios."
The NSW Police Dog Unit was formed in 1932 and provides a support service for all operational police in NSW.
The unit's aim is to provide specialist canine services such as general purpose, drug, firearms/explosive detection and human remains dogs.
The unit uses various breeds of including German Shepherd, Labrador, Malinois English Springer Spaniels and is currently introducing Border Collies.