Summerhill Waste Management Centre service resumes for domestic customers
10 Sept 2021
In line with NSW Government advice Summerhill Waste Management Centre has now reopened to all customers.
During the stay at home orders which have been in place across New South Wales since early-August, Summerhill Waste Management Centre has continued to operate for commercial purposes and kerbside collections, and from today domestic customers can visit the facility to dispose of waste and recyclables.
Where possible, we encourage you to continue to stay home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and limit your use of our facility to essential purposes only.
COVIDSafe measures will remain in place and customers visiting the facility will be required to check-in, wear a face mask and adhere to social distancing. Cashless payments are preferred.
Self-haul vouchers with an expiry date of 5 August 2021 or later will automatically be extended by two months to give customers sufficient time to use their voucher.
For more information on City of Newcastle's waste services visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/summerhill