The Drop Festival 2020
19 Dec 2019

Proposed Location: Empire Park, Bar Beach
This event site has been reviewed by all applicable event stakeholders through the Interagency Events Consultative Group, including NSW Police and NSW Ambulance Services, and events of this type have been approved in principle for this location.
A review on the use of the park has been conducted following the public notification period for The Drop Music Festival. The proposed event is a one-day all age music festival on 7 March 2020, that coincides with the final day of Surfest 2020.
Standard events consultation and notification was completed through the Public Lands Notice, with the period held between 28 October and 24 November 2019. In addition, a public information session was conducted on 18 November by the event organiser to assist with the provision of accurate information to residents from the area. City of Newcastle (CN) received 53 submissions in response to the notice. Based on assessment of the submissions received, all raised issues have been addressed through the planning controls proposed for the event.
Key items raised in the submissions includes the noise impacts, public safety, restrictions to access, potential antisocial behaviour, safety as a coastal location, and traffic and transport. All items have been addressed through a comprehensive executive summary prepared by the event organiser.
The assessment of the event will continue as proposed at Empire Park Bar Beach. Final approval will be dependant on the event organisers meeting all requirements of their licence, as per standard CN event licencing process.
- View the Frequently Asked Questions (pdf) regarding the location of the Drop Music Festival in 2020.
- View the Drop - Empire Park Resident Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
Please note, these documents are a work in progress and will be updated periodically as the event planning progresses.