Two hours free parking for customers and clients of Watt St businesses
03 Aug 2017
Businesses fronting Watt St in Newcastle's CBD can register for two hours free parking for their customers and clients to help offset the loss of on-street parking during construction works.
Customers and clients of registered Watt St businesses can use Council's nearby King St car park and get two hours free parking upon validation of their parking ticket.
"We've spoken at length to businesses on Watt St and parking is one of the main issues they have raised," Newcastle City Council Interim CEO Jeremy Bath said.
"Some businesses asked for reserved on-street parking spaces on surrounding streets, but this is not legally possible. The only place where Council can provide parking spaces close to Watt St is our King St car park."
"We hope this will provide some relief to Watt St business owners affected by the current upgrades, but also attract more people to the precinct to shop and do business."
The free two-hour parking in King St car park will only be available to people whose parking tickets are validated by an affected Watt St business.
Mr Bath said the temporary measure will be reviewed once the civil works in Watt St are completed.
How does it work?
1. Businesses register via parkingservices@ncc.nsw.gov.au
2. Customers/clients park in King St car park and obtain ticket as usual
3. Watt St businesses stamp and sign back of customers' tickets
4. Stamped ticket presented to car park office (located on lower ground floor off Laing St) for validation
5. Payment required to make up difference of any stay longer than two hours