Unity through Diversity for Youth Week
11 Apr 2018
A youth forum followed by friendly soccer games plus fun skate and street art workshops are among nine free Youth Week celebrations organised by Newcastle City Council and partners.
This year Youth Week runs from Friday 13 - Sunday 22 April.
“There are plenty of fun events and learning opportunities for Youth Week 2018, with each event planned and delivered by young Novocastrians," Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"We consistently work with our Newcastle Youth Council to deliver a grants program to facilitate local youth week programs and events, with $3,000 in funding matched by the state government to deliver events across the Newcastle LGA."
A forum for young people to address local issues before five-a-side soccer matches and African music and dance will be staged at John Gebhardt Hall in Platt St, Waratah, on Saturday 21 April.
A workshop to give young people a chance to try their hand at street art in a fun, supervised environment will be held at the PCYC Newcastle, Broadmeadow, next Monday.
Two skate workshops, one in Maryland and one in Mayfield, creative events at Newcastle and Wallsend libraries and Art Gallery, and a local Youth Week Festival at Hamilton South Estate are also part of the fun.
Click here for a lineup of events
The event provides young people a chance to express their ideas and views, act on issues affecting them and create and enjoy activities and events.
Newcastle Youth Council currently has an active membership who meets eight times a year to advise Council and develop leadership skills through Youth Week events and other initiatives.
"Youth Week is a fantastic opportunity for young people to connect with each other and their communities," Newcastle Youth Mayor Jacob Gamble said.
"Newcastle Youth Council is looking forward to supporting a diverse range of events in our 2018 program."