Update ordinary council meeting Wednesday 26 April 2017
26 Apr 2017
Following is a summary of the ordinary council meeting for Wednesday 26 April 2017. Note: it is not a record of resolutions.
Retirement of Director of Infrastructure
Council supported a Lord Mayoral Minute to thank Director of Infrastructure and former ICEO Frank Cordingley for his hard work and commitment to Council and wish him all the best for his future.
Affordable Housing in Newcastle
Council supported a Lord Mayoral Minute to develop an affordable housing policy consistent with its 2030 vision to create a smart, liveable and sustainable city.
Executive monthly performance report
The usual report was received.
Exhibition of Draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and 2017/18 Fees and Charges Register
Council voted to place the draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Fees and Charges Register for 2017/18 on public exhibition for 28 days.
Alternate rating options
Council resolved to receive a report on alternate rating options.
Council energy targets
Council voted to note a report on its energy targets and requested a further report be tabled after the current trials of LED lights have been evaluated.
Exhibition of draft Swan Street Cooks Hill outcomes
Council endorsed a design for the rehabilitation of roads and drainage for Queen and Swan streets, Cooks Hill, including minor amendments resulting from the exhibition process.
Pedestrian refuge at Sandgate Road, Marton Street Shortland
Council approved construction of a pedestrian refuge on Marton Street, Shortland.
Upgrade to existing pedestrian crossing at Croudace Road, Elermore Vale
Council has approved a pedestrian refuge for Cardiff Road, Elermore Vale.
Pedestrian refuge at Smith Road, Cardiff Road, Elermore Vale
Council voted to approve an upgrade to the existing pedestrian crossing on Croudace Road, Elermore Vale.
Lighting Cowper Street Bridge Carrington
Council resolved to seek community feedback on options to retain or replace street lights on the Cowper Street Bridge, Carrington.
Draft Community Land Plan of Management Public Exhibition
Council voted to place the draft Community Land Plan of Management on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.
BBC Recommendation - City Centre affordable housing
Council resolved to undertake an expression of interest process to seek affordable housing proposals from Tier One community housing providers using residential Building Better Cities funds valued at $3.01 million.
Exhibition of the draft amended section 94A Development Contributions Plan 2009
Council resolved to place the draft amended Section 94A Development Contributions Plan 2009 on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
Notices of Motion
Council withdrawal of support for the Supercars event
Council did not support this resolution.
Crown Land Management in the Newcastle Local Government Area
Council voted to work with the NSW Government to consider opportunities to take ownership of Crown Land properties across Newcastle.
Fully fenced, off-leash area - Lambton Park
Council supported a motion to accept a petition calling for a fully fenced, off-leash area for dogs to play, exercise, socialise and train in Lambton Park and consider a fenced-off dog park there and elsewhere.
Open and transparent governance - State Government taxes and levies
Council voted to note the State Government will require it to collect a fire and emergency services property levy from 1 July 2017 at an expected cost of $185 a year for each residential property.
Public voice for gateway exhibition
Council resolved to invite community representatives to present their comments about UrbanGrowth's Gateway proposal during the community consultation and exhibition period.
Supercars E
Council supported a motion to reiterate support for electric and low-emissions vehicles and for Newcastle to be an on-road trial site for smart, autonomous vehicles.