Wallsend upgrades on exhibition
01 May 2017
Wallsend's civic centre will become a friendlier public place with better arrangements for traffic, pedestrians and cyclists following a makeover proposed by Newcastle City Council.
Artist impression Nelson Street.
The draft Wallsend Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan, which goes on public exhibition from Wednesday to 31 May, suggests a number of improvements for Wallsend Local Centre, including measures to improve traffic flow and provide better amenity for cyclists and pedestrians.
Parking alterations and aesthetic improvements to make the area a more appealing place to live, work and visit are also open to public comment.
"We have prioritised these works to improve Wallsend's public domain and we welcome feedback from members of the public before we finalise the plans," Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"We intend to upgrade public spaces and improve the overall amenity of Wallsend in conjunction with measures to address flooding in the suburb."
Concept design for the bridge at Tyrrell Street is now complete and the final design phase is expected to be finished in July.
"Substantial funding will be needed and we are working on a number of funding sources for the Tyrrell Street Bridge replacement, including grant funding from state and federal government programs."
Artist impression of Cowper Street.
Council continues to offer the flash flood alert system and, earlier this year, relaunched its webpages on flooding to help residents better understand flood-prone areas.
Elsewhere in Wallsend, Council is working through around $500,000 in upgrades to touch football facilities at Upper Reserve.
The newly renovated amenities block will better suit the needs of the local touch association when it's handed over later this month before the ground's floodlighting is updated with more energy-efficient globes.
Pioneer Hall in Cowper Street, Wallsend, has also had a makeover. Air conditioning, new windows and insulation have been installed to make it a quieter venue and it will be back in community use in late May.
Draft plans for public domain improvements in Wallsend can be viewed here, at Council’s Administration Centre or at Newcastle Region and Wallsend Libraries.
Council staff and consultants will be available to answer questions about the Plan at a public information session, from 5-7pm on Monday 8 May at Wallsend library.