Weather warning for Newcastle's coastline
09 Mar 2022
City of Newcastle (CN) has implemented safety precautions in preparation for another weather event forecast to impact the Newcastle coastline this week.
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather warning for gale force winds, heavy rainfall, and large and powerful surf conditions which may pose a risk to Newcastle's coastline.
An abnormally high tide and powerful surf conditions impacted all city beaches last week with Stockton Beach suffering further erosion. Large amounts of debris were washed onto Stockton Beach making the area unsafe and forcing the temporary closure of all accessways to the southern end of the beach. A current list of beach accessway closures at Stockton Beach can be viewed here.
CN will continue to monitor its coastal facilities and assets along the Newcastle coastline including areas in Stockton which may be further impacted by coastal erosion this week. Coastal erosion can change beach conditions dramatically and quickly, making them unstable.
With public safety and CN staff safety a key priority, CN will assess the situation at Stockton Beach after this week's weather event before determining the best approach to commence clearing the beach.
City of Newcastle reminds the community to follow safety warnings, to abide by all road and beach closures and to drive safely in the forecast hazardous weather conditions.
To stay up to date on weather warnings visit the Bureau of Meteorology at www.bom.gov.au and for information about any emergencies visit the State Emergency Service at www.ses.nsw.gov.au or phone 13 25 00.