Winner of the 'Green our City' competition announced
14 Dec 2022

Newcastle green thumbs went head-to-head to enliven their neighbourhoods by entering City of Newcastle's (CN) 'Green Our City' street garden competition.
Applications for the competition closed in September 2022 and since then, entrants have been busy bees planning, planting and pruning their street gardens to perfection.
Newcastle Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen visited The Junction to congratulate the winner, Jennifer Ray.
The competition's judging panel said that Jennifer's garden showed care, creativity and a consideration of native plants and animals.
The winning garden features beautiful timber edging, a driftwood log, and a good variety of natives planted around a bottlebrush street tree, creating a unique habitat for lizards, pollinators, and small birds.
As well as being able to lay claim to having the best new street garden in Newcastle, Jennifer will receive $500 to spend at a local nursery of her choice.
Eleven entries were received and scored against four main criteria including vitality, maintenance (weed free), aesthetics and safety.
Jennifer Ray said she has been humbled by the comments of praise and thanks that have come from neighbours and passers-by appreciating the garden.
Street gardens are a great way to meet others and foster a sense of community. They provide essential understorey vegetation to capture stormwater, offer habitat for pollinators such as insects and birds, and improve carbon content in the soil.
CN offers a wide range of support to residents looking to revitalise their neighbourhood, whether they are looking to simply remove turf and weeds, revegetate, or build a productive vegie garden in raised beds.
For more information, visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/streetgardens or call 4974 2000.