Playground Replacement Program
Adamstown Park, new playground on Glebe RoadIn 2024, popular recreational areas at Adamstown Park, Rawson Park in Stockton and Waratah’s Coolamin Reserve received new equipment, while Islington Park’s playground was upgraded with new rubber softfall and a fresh coat of colour.
Playgrounds are selected and identified from a biennial playground safety audit we undertook on all of our playground sites across the City. From this safety audit every playground is given a condition rating which determines its priority within our renewal program.
2023/2024 upcoming Playground Replacements
- Adamstown Park
- Coolamin Reserve, Waratah
- Islington Park Playground, wet rubber softfall repairs
- Rawson Park, Stockton
2022/2023 Completed Playground Replacements
- Avon Street Reserve, Mayfield
- Harold Myers Park, Birmingham Gardens
- Loch Ness Drive Park, Fletcher
- Vera Wilson Park, Beresfield
- Waratah Park, Waratah
2021/2022 Completed Playground Replacements
- Bernborough Avenue, Maryland
- Kotara Park, equipment upgrade
- McCauley Park, Tarro
- McInnes Reserve, Minmi
2020/2021 Completed Playground Replacements
- Dangar Park, Mayfield
- Gross Street Reserve, Tighes Hill
- King Edward Park, Cooks Hill
- Novocastrian Park, New Lambton
- Stevenson Park, Mayfield West
2019/2020 Completed Playground Replacements
- Brickworks Park and Carrington Street Reserve, Wallsend
- Coldstream Reserve, Rankin Park
- Islington Park, Islington
- Learmonth Park, Hamilton South
2018/2019 Completed Playground Replacements
- Cressington Way Reserve, Wallsend
- Fletcher Street Reserve, Adamstown
2017/2018 Completed Playground Replacements
- Bull and Tourle Street Reserve, Mayfield West
- Grahame Park, Carrington
- Smith Park, Hamilton North
- Wallsend Park, Wallsend
View the locations of all of the city's playgrounds here.