Road rehabilitation and resurfacing program
Road resurfacing involves replacement of the top layers of the road - asphalting, linemarking, and often accompanying kerb and gutter works.
Road rehabilitation work often involves repair or replacement of drainage structures or other services deep underneath the road.
Road surface preservation works include crack sealing, asphalt patching, resealing and surface rejuvenation treatments are carried out on an annual program. If you would like more information about our re-sealing program and why we do it, please visit the Re-sealing Your Road page.
A quick run down of how our crews deal with potholes across Newcastle.
Road rehabilitation works
Current rehabilitation projects
- Western Corridor upgrades including the widening of Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road
- Stephen Street, Georgetown - In design
- Woodward Street, Merewether - In design
- Lexington Parade, Adamstown Heights - Design
- Woodford Street, Minmi
- Macquarie Street, Mayfield
Road resurfacing works
Current resurfacing projects
- Bryant Street, Adamstown
- Belmore Street, Adamstown
- Tooke Street, Bar Beach
- Gipps Street, Carrington
- Mawson Street, Shortland
- Zaara Street, Newcastle East
- Unnamed Laneway, Stockton
- Hugh Street, Merewether
- Tarin Street, Mayfield East
- William Street, Jesmond
- Lott Street, Carrington
Planned resurfacing projects
- Denison Street, Hamilton
- Robey Street, Merewether
- William Street, Hamilton
- Lawson Street, Hamilton
Footpath works
Footpath rehabilitation
- Thorsby Creek shared pathway renewal, Wickham to Maryville - In design
- Union Street, Wickham - Design
Footpath connectivity projects
- Frederick Street, Merewether
- Freyberg Street, New Lambton
- Minmi Road, Fletcher
We have separate programs for the expansion of the footpath and cycleway networks through Pedestrian and Traffic Improvements and Cycleway Works.
Other works
We will also be replacing street signs, line marking, ordinance fencing and street furniture in a range of locations across Newcastle.
Newcastle East - Reinstatement of permanent traffic devices
- Wharf Road and Watt Street - Roundabout
- Wharf Road - Pedestrian crossing (east of Watt Street)
- Shortland Esplanade and Zaara Street - Roundabout
Transport stops
- 86 Georgetown Road, Waratah
- 44 Watkins Street, Merewether
- Wattle Close, Adamstown Heights