Kate Brettell - Women's leadership coach and facilitator

Kate Brettell is a women's leadership coach and facilitator.
Born in Wagga and educated in Sydney, Kate and her family lived until recently in Amsterdam and enjoyed working and travelling throughout Europe. In the second year of the Covid pandemic, they decided to move back to Australia and settle in Newcastle near Kate’s brother. She and her husband and children are enjoying their new home so much they’re selling up their house in Sydney to settle permanently in Newcastle and have persuaded Kate’s parents to do the same.
For Kate, having the Landing Pad as a place to work and meet people has been the key to making her move so much easier.
“Having this space has been fantastic to connect with people. One of the things I find challenging about having my own business is loneliness. I'm a people-person and an extrovert. I get my energy from collaborating with others.
So, it's been great to have the option of coming to the Landing Pad. I try to line up my time with other colleagues so we have some company, but there's always someone here to chat to. The staff are lovely and helpful. It's just felt really welcoming.”
Like many of the Landing Pad members, the free networking and mentoring events are a highlight of the month.
Kate and one of the other Landing Pad members are working on bringing a TedX Women event to Newcastle to inspire, connect people and promote action. The plan is to have a range of local women speak on topics important to women in Newcastle and the Hunter.
“As the industry focus in Newcastle and the Hunter is shifting from mining to more sustainable solutions and a knowledge economy, I want see women playing a significant role in that transition and leading in all kinds of ways."
“I believe you have to get involved, you've got to get stuck in if you have an idea about something or want something to be different. It's not very helpful to just sit back and do nothing.”
Kate says one of the biggest advantages of living in a place the size of Newcastle, is that if you have an idea, you can find a way to make it happen and have a real impact.
“In Sydney I wouldn’t get that same traction. People here want to connect with you. This is where we're going to be and this is where we want to be. I feel like I can help shape my children’s future in the community I live in and that’s exciting.”
We are inviting you to join our innovation community in Newcastle, for free!
We are offering domestic and international innovators a three-month free membership at the Landing Pad, until June 2023.
The membership includes hot desk passes and/or a two person office space with access to the maker space, seminar and event spaces, various software platforms such as Adobe and Office 365, commercial business address and more. Explore facilities and membership options here.