Frequently asked questions
Can I hold an 18th or 21st birthday party?
Unfortunately 18th or 21st birthday parties are not currently authorised to be held in Council-managed community facilities. These venues are also not available to be hired for the purpose of any social gatherings, including birthday parties, for persons under the age of 25 years. A copy of a license or photographic ID is required to confirm the booking.
Can I stay for an extra hour or two?
Council's community facilities are very popular venues for parties and events. There is often only a short amount of time available for between hires for set up, pack down and after-party cleans. For this reason, you are asked to vacate the premises within half an hour of your event finishing time. The same applies when setting up for an event - your set up time is included in your event booking times and you are asked not to attend the centre until at least half an hour prior to your event starting time.
Can I come back tomorrow to clean up / take away my gear?
For the reasons stated above, you are required to remove all of your property from the venue within half an hour of the event finishing time.
Do I need to pack away furniture?
You are required to pack away furniture in the designated storage areas at the end of your hire. If you are a weekend hirer we ask that you leave out any furniture that requires cleaning, so that staff are able to easily identify this furniture during the after-party clean.
I can't get the key safe open - troubleshooting
Ensure that you are correctly following the access instructions that have been provided by Council staff. Please print out a copy of these instructions prior to attending the centre. If you are still unable to access the key safe please contact Council's after-hours service on 4974 6000. Please note that if an after-hours callout is requested due to user error the hirer this callout fee will be deducted from your security bond.
The alarm is going off - troubleshooting
As above, please ensure that you have printed out a copy of the access instructions that have been provided to you and that you are correctly following the alarm instructions. If you are still unable to shut off the alarm please contact Council's after-hours service on 4974 6000. Please note that if an after-hours callout is requested due to user error the hirer this callout fee will be deducted from your security bond.
The hall isn't clean - troubleshooting
Unfortunately Council's after-hours staff are unable to address issues relating to cleaning. It is therefore recommended that hirers take photos of any cleanliness issues upon arrival at the facility, and send these photos through to Council staff at: communityfacilities@ncc.nsw.gov.au to be addressed on the next working day. Please note that Council is unable to take any action with regard to cleaning issues if photos are not provided by the hirer.