Customer Complaint or Feedback
Make a complaint or provide feedback
We welcome your suggestions, feedback, or complaints. Whilst we strive to do our best for the community, we understand that there will be times when we may not meet your expectations and value your feedback.
We define a Customer Complaint as a formal expression of dissatisfaction made to or about City of Newcastle (CN), our services, our staff, or the handling of a Complaint (eg request for internal review), where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or required. It can be expressed in relation to:
- Failure to achieve specified standards of service
- Delay in responding
- Standard or level of service provided by CN or a CN employee
- Processes and procedures and/or
- Withdrawal or reduction of service.
If your issue does not meet the criteria of a formal complaint, it will be treated as:
- A routine service request (eg missed bin collection or request for repair of a pothole) or
- Feedback.
Submit a complaint or feedback
For further information on complaints, please refer to CN's Customer Complaints Handling Policy (PDF).
CN is unable to validate a complaint or seek further information to investigate a complaint when the source is unknown.
If you do not have an email address, please phone us on (02) 4974 2000 or provide the information in writing to:
City of Newcastle
PO Box 489
Newcastle NSW 2300