Bulk Waste Container Permit Application
Bulk waste containers (BWC) are also known as building waste containers or skip bins. The placement location of a BWC will determine whether a BWC permit is required:
Apply for a Bulk Waste Container (BWC) Permit
BWC applications can only be submitted by suppliers registered with City of Newcastle. See below list of registered suppliers who can be contacted to apply on your behalf.
Registered suppliers can apply for a BWC Permit here:
Fees and charges apply. Please note:
- BWCs must comply with the RTA Technical Direction - Placement of Bulk and Skip Waste Containers July 2009 (PDF).
- There is a 72 hour turnaround period for approvals.
- BWCs can be placed for a maximum of 28 days from date of approval.
- City of Newcastle can only provide permits for BWCs placed on local and regional roads. Requests for classified roads should be referred to Transport for NSW.
Registered Suppliers
Registered suppliers who can apply for BWC permit are listed below. City of Newcastle does not endorse any service provider and this list is provided for information only.
Apply to become a registered supplier
Supplier Name | Phone | Website |
1300 Skip Bins | 1300 562 786 | www.1300skipbins.com.au |
All Town Skips | 0405 539 331 | www.alltownskips.com.au |
Best Bins | 0418 677 904 | www.bestbins.com.au |
Big Rat Skip Bins | 02 4027 5799 | www.bigratskipbins.com.au |
Bingo Industries | 1300 424 646 | www.bingoindustries.com.au |
Central Waste Station Pty Ltd | 1800 180 180 | www.centralwaste.com.au |
Clean Valley (AUST) Pty Ltd | 02 4964 8942 | www.cleanvalley.com.au |
Junkyard Skips Pty Ltd | 0499 772 373 | www.junkyardskips.com |
L&D Brown Skip Bin Hire | 02 4326 8160 | www.ldbrownbins.com.au |
Newcastle Handybins | 0427 229 614 | |
Redmondis Australia Pty Ltd | 0419 263 188 | www.remondisaustralia.com.au |
Rock Waste Pty Ltd | 0405 177 196 | www.rockwaste.com.au |
Skip The Tip | 0414 375 375 | www.skipthetip.com |
Skips and Scrap | 1300 399 925 | www.skipsandscrap.com.au |