Who We Are

Newcastle is the second largest city in NSW, located on the east coast of Australia, Newcastle is situated on lands of the Awabakal and Worimi people. Surrounded by golden beaches, a breathtaking coastline and a beautiful working harbour, we are a city with a diverse community, making it a welcoming and wonderful place to live and visit.
Discover more: visitnewcastle.com.au and visitnsw.com
Community Profile
- The Community Profile enables analysis of population characteristics for Newcastle LGA and includes historical data to show how they have changed over time.
- The Social Atlas presents data as a series of thematic maps that show how particular population groups are distributed across Newcastle. The source of the data is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing.
- The Population Forecast presents population and household forecasts, what is driving population change in the community, and how the population will change each year between 2016 and 2041. You can register your contact details and be notified when new data and features have been added to the forecast.