Bulk Waste Service FAQ
General Questions
When is my next collection?
What happened to the neighbourhood pick-ups?
How many services can I have?
Can I book a service if I'm renting?
Kerbside pick-up service
When will my bulk waste be collected?
When should I put out my bulk waste?
My items weren't picked up. What should I do now?
Can I put garden waste out for collection?
Self-haul vouchers
How long do I have to use my voucher?
Do I have to take my bulk waste to Summerhill myself?
Can I use more than one voucher at a time?
What will happen if I have more than two cubic metres of waste in my trailer?
Can I use my voucher to dispose of garden waste?
Can I use my voucher to dispose of asbestos?
Can I use my voucher to dispose of problem wastes accepted at the Summerhill Community Recycling Centre?
Summerhill opening hours
Fully enclosed shoes must be worn at all times.
Weekdays: 7.30am – 4.45pm
Weekends: 9am – 2.45pm
Public Holidays: 9am – 2.45pm
(Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day)
Contact us on: 4974 2000