Fire Safety
Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS)
A fire safety statement is a document issued by building owners or their representatives, confirming that an accredited practitioner (fire safety) has assessed and verified the performance of each applicable fire safety measure in the building.
Fire safety statements must be lodged with both City of Newcastle (CN) and Fire & Rescue NSW.
To submit your AFSS with CN or learn how to arrange this:
Home fire safety and smoke alarms
To reduce fire-related deaths and injuries, it is compulsory for all residential homes and shared accommodation buildings (such as apartments, hostels and hotels) in NSW to have smoke alarms installed.
At lease one smoke alarm must be fitted in each level where people sleep.
A person who does not comply with the legislation is guilty of an offence (maximum penalty $550). This includes intefering with or removing a smoke alarm, unless for maintenance or replacement.