Make a Claim: Injury or Property Damage

Before you submit your claim

  • This form is to be used when claiming for personal injury, loss, or damage to property.
  • For claims for damage caused by a City of Newcastle motor vehicle, please complete the Motor Vehicle claim form.
  • For claims for damage allegedly caused by a pothole, please complete the Potholes claim form.
  • Personal injury and property damage claims are managed by City of Newcastle's claims management service provider, JLT Risk Solutions. Your submission will be sent directly to JLT to independently assess and manage your claim.
  • If you have insurance, we recommend that you contact your insurer first. If you do not have insurance, you can still lodge a claim with City of Newcastle.

Gather your documents

These might include:

  • photos of the hazard
  • Any relevant reports or witness statements

Eligibility for compensation

  • Consider whether you are eligible to submit a claim; you may wish to seek legal advice.
  • Accepting your claim does not mean we accept liability for the Claim.
  • We may accept your claim if you can prove City of Newcastle was negligent or at fault.
  • If we were unaware of the hazard (for example, damage to a footpath or road) we may not accept liability.
  • City of Newcastle works within the NSW Civil Liability Act 2002. The Act recognises that functions exercised by councils are limited by available resources.

After you submit your claim

Once you have submitted your claim:

  • You will receive an email acknowledging we have received your claim.
  • JLT may need to contact you if we need more information, or advise of any additional action to be taken.
  • Your claim will be assessed by JLT on a Without Prejudice basis.
  • JLT will let you know the outcome of your claim in writing.

Claims can take time to assess due to their complexity and the information you provide. We will try our best to complete all claims assessments as quickly as possible.

Personal details
Please note that we will email all correspondence to ensure you have copies in writing.
Details of claim
If your claim relates to damage caused by a City of Newcastle vehicle, please complete the motor vehicle claim form.
Provide as much detail as possible including contributing factors, e.g. weather, speed.
Be as specific as possible, for example, '7.30am', 'approximately 7am' or 'between 7am and 8am'
Please provide address and/or description of location. Provide as much detail as possible.
For example, weekly, daily, twice a month, rarely.
Please include a breakdown of costs.
Authority for an Agent to Act
If you wish for a third party to act on your behalf, this section must be completed.
Supporting Documentation
If you need to supply more than 6 documents, you can email
Completion and acceptance of this form (including completion of the Authority for an Agent to Act) does not represent an admission of liability on the part of City of Newcastle and/or our insurers. Your claim for compensation will be subject to investigation and assessed on its own merits.

Privacy Statement

City of Newcastle is committed to protecting your privacy. We take reasonable steps to comply with relevant legislation and our Privacy Management Plan, regarding collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information.

Purpose of collection: We will use your personal information to process your claim.

Intended recipients: Authorised City of Newcastle officers, contractors, or agents.

Supply: Voluntary.

Consequence of non-provision: We may not be able to process your claim.

Storage and security: Information will be stored in our electronic databases and will only be available to authorised City of Newcastle officers, contractors or agents.

Access: Your information can be checked for accuracy by calling us on (02) 4974 2000.