Customer Service


City of Newcastle (CN) serves the community, and our customers including residents, workers, visitors, community groups, businesses, and investors. We care about our customers and endeavour to meet your needs, wants and expectations through exceptional service delivery. 

This Customer Service Charter sets out our commitment to you as our customer and the standards of service we aim to deliver for our community. 

Our commitment to you

Trust princliples

Our TRuST principles outline our commitment to building trust and positive relationships with our customers by providing experiences that are:

  • Transparent - we keep our customers in the loop, so they know what to expect 
  • Respectful - we seek to understand our customers' needs and ensure they feel heard
  • U - we turn up, we are present, and we care for you 
  • Simple - we make things easy for our customers 
  • Timely - we value our customers' time and are responsive to their needs 

What to expect when interacting with us

We value our customers' time and are committed to offering a choice of how to interact with us.

When interacting with us our people will:
If you visit our websites or mobile apps, we will aim to:
If you call us, we will aim to:
If you visit our City Administration Centre, we will aim to:
If you write to us, we will aim to:
If you see us in the city, such as in parks, beaches, and sportsgrounds, we will aim to:

Help us, help you

To help us deliver high quality and efficient services, we ask you to:

  • Treat us, other customers, and community property with respect
  • Provide us with information that is timely, accurate and complete
  • Work with us to solve problems and reach resolutions
  • Contact us if you believe we have made an error
  • Provide us with honest, constructive, and timely feedback, compliments or complaints
  • Quote reference numbers when contacting us about an existing matter
  • CN is committed to safety and wellbeing and has a zero tolerance towards any harm, abuse, or threats of its staff as detailed in our Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy which aligns to the NSW Ombudsman Model Policy.

Customer engagement and satisfaction

CSO customer

We aim to give our customers a great experience every time they interact with us. 

We value our customers' input on how we can do better, and regularly engage with our customers through community consultations, public exhibitions, feedback, surveys, and codesign opportunities. 

We commit to provide relevant information in a timely manner for public exhibition. 

To be involved in our community engagement activities, visit our Get Involved page.

Complaints, compliments, and feedback

Your voice is important to us.  

Whilst we strive to do our best for the community, we understand that there will be times when we may not meet your expectations, and we'd like to know so we can improve. 

If you are dissatisfied with a service, process, or staff member of City of Newcastle, or would like to suggest improvements, complete the lodge a complaint / provide feedback form. 

We also want to hear about your positive experiences with our staff, service/s or facilities so we can keep doing more of what you like and acknowledge our team members for good work. 

To tell us about a good experience, complete the give a compliment form.