Cemeteries-Monumental Works Permit Application
Headstones, kerbs, markers, fences, stones vases (memorial or not), or the planting of any plants are not permitted without Council approval. Council reserve the right to remove any such items.
Council will only grant a monumental permit with the consent of the Grantee of the Perpetual Interment Right.
For permission to restore or construct any monument, memorial, foundation, tablet, headstone, gravestone, kerb railing or any other structure, a qualified tradesperson with a current Permit to Work in Council Cemeteries must complete and return the Application for Monumental Work and payment of the appropriate charged fixed by Council.
All works must be undertaken in accordance with the Australian Standard Headstones and Cemeteries Monuments AS 4204-2019 and the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 as a minimum. Works are not to commence prior to written Council approval and must comply with the requirements for the construction of monuments.
Specifically for lawn beam sections, headstone dimension must not exceed 1150mm width, 300mm depth and 850mm height.
Monument ownership and all the responsibilities therein, reside with the Grantee or his or her successor/s to the grave.
Please contact cemeteries@ncc.nsw.gov.au for more information.