Dead or Dying Tree Removal Form
The Dead Tree Removal Compliance Guide should be used when a tree (or shrub) is dead or dying, and the requirements of Section 3.3 (2) of Part A of the Urban Forest Technical Manual have been met. The tree/shrub must be located on privately owned land. Clear photos are required to support the removal of the tree/shrub and must show the tree/shrub in context, its relationship to dwellings, ancillary structures and other trees and shrubs, as well as photos that clearly identify that the tree/shrub is dead or dying. You are not required to submit the completed form and evidence to the City of Newcastle, however it must be retained for at least 2 years.
This form should NOT be used if:
- the tree/shrub is (or forms part of) a heritage item, known Aboriginal object or place of Aboriginal significance. Refer to Heritage Minor Works Permit.
- There is a previous or current development consent requiring the retention of the tree/shrub proposed for removal. Refer to Council's Duty Officer or Private Certifier (a Section 96 application may be required).
For further information on removal of private trees and shrubs please refer to our Tree, Shrub and Vegetation Removal page as well as Parts A and C of the Urban Forest Technical Manual
Download this form:
View the Dead Tree Removal Compliance Guide (PDF)