Hoarding Application
A hoarding is a temporary structure built to enclose a footway or part of the roadway for a building site, demolition area, excavation or building works for the purpose of providing public safety and to avoid damage to road infrastructure.
There are two types of hoarding that may require a hoarding permit:
- Type A (overhead protective structure) - is a steel framed structure that provides protection to a public place such as a pedestrian pathway underneath the hoarding deck. The structure separates the work area from the public place.
- Type B (protective fence) - is a fence installed to enclosed part of the public footway or roadway, with or without scaffolding, and is at least 2 metres in height. It is generally plywood attached to a timber or steel frame to separate a construction site from the public area.
How to apply
A Hoarding Application form should be completed and emailed to applications@ncc.nsw.gov.au.
Please ensure you provide the relevant supporting documentation as stated on the application form.
Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks lead in time from the application lodgement date to proposed commencement/installation dates, in order to accommodate various internal and external referrals that may be required as part of the application process.
Please note you may also need to apply for a road occupancy licence. See below.
Road Occupancy Permit
The approval of the hoarding permit does not include approval for footpath/road closure, the occupation of parking spaces, or occupation of the public road space during construction or removal of the hoarding.
If the applicant plans to:
- close a footpath,
- occupy road space, or
- a minimum clear width of 1.2m footpath can not be maintained at any period during the construction, operation, or removal of the hoarding,
The applicant MUST apply for a road occupancy licence for occupation of the public road reserve to cover these periods.
You can find more information on road occupancy permits on our webpage here: https://newcastle.nsw.gov.au/Council/Forms-Publications/Forms/Roads-Road-Occupancy-Application-Form
If the works only require enclosing the work area with temporary fencing or witches hats for a short period (less than one month), a road occupancy permit can be applied for rather than a hoarding permit.