Owner Details and Consent Form
All development applications and the majority of post consent certificates must be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal. Find out more on our Lodging an Application information page.
This form is to be used when lodging an application via the Planning Portal or when owners consent has not been included in an application form.
Who signs the form?
- All owners of the subject property.
- If the owner is a company - a director, secretary or authorised delegate.
- If the property is strata titled and relates to the entire strata – the authorised delegate of the Owner’s Corporation.
- If the property is strata titled, relates only to a single lot in the strata and only involves a change of use with no physical work - all owner/s of the particular lot.
- If Crown land - an authorised officer of the relevant government authority must sign the application.
- If signing on the owner’s behalf as the owner’s legal representative, you must state the nature of your legal authority and attach any available evidence (e.g. power of attorney, executor, trustee, company director).
- If signing on behalf of a corporate body or company, the application should be signed by an authorised person under common seal and the position of that person in the corporate body or company must be stated on the form. Alternatively, the Common Seal is not required if two Directors or authorised persons sign the application form, or if you are a sole Director.