Section 138 - Application for New Infrastructure on a Public Road Type 2
Use this form to apply for consent to carry out work on, over or under a public road or footway/verge area (where outside the scope of a Type 1 Application).
Typical works may include:
Public Infrastructure
- Connection of proposed public roads to existing roads
- Footways paving, private utilities, landscape works, ramps, pipes, connections to roads
- Connection of stormwater drainage
Private Infrastructure
- Permanent balconies and awnings, overhead crossings, encroachments by car parking spaces, posts
- Temporary anchors
- Installation or construction of private utility to a public utility
- Separate applications are required for public and private infrastructure.
- Applications must be in electronic format and include a site plan and construction drawings prepared and certified by an appropriate engineer in the relevant field or in the case of landscape works, a landscape architect.
- Refer to Council's Standard Drawings for construction design requirements. Within the Newcastle City Centre also refer to the Newcastle City Centre Public Domain Technical Manual.
- If the road is not under the control of CN you will need to apply to the relevant road authority. If the connection is proposed to a Classified Road the concurrence of the Roads and Maritime Services will be required.