Community invited to help update shared vision for Newcastle
06 May 2024
City of Newcastle is inviting the community to have a say on its ambitious long-term vision for Newcastle.
The Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, was adopted by Council in 2022 following extensive community consultation, providing a vision to guide and inform City of Newcastle’s strategies and projects for the next 10 years and beyond.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said City of Newcastle was reviewing the plan as part of its commitment to providing meaningful opportunities for locals to have their say on the future of the city.
"Our Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, was developed thanks to feedback from more than 5,400 Novocastrians who shared their thoughts on what we need to do to make Newcastle a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city," Cr Nelmes said.
"Since adopting Newcastle 2040 in April 2022, we’ve been working to deliver our strategies and projects in alignment with the aspirations of the Newcastle community.
"We're helping to create a more liveable city through local centre upgrades, enhanced safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as investment in sporting infrastructure, playgrounds, roads, and stormwater drainage.
"Newcastle is also becoming more sustainable thanks to our efforts to act on climate change to achieve net zero emissions.
"Now we want to again hear from our community as we review our Community Strategic Plan, to ensure that we are on track towards achieving our vision and have a clear plan for how we will get there.”
Residents and interested stakeholders can provide feedback before 5 July by completing a community survey online or by speaking to City of Newcastle staff at a range of pop-up events to be held across the city throughout May and June.
For more information including pop-up event dates and locations visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay.