Community is key to shaping the future of Broadmeadow
08 May 2023
City of Newcastle (CN) has begun consulting with the community about ideas and feedback on the transformation of Broadmeadow over the next 20 years.
CN is leading the development of the Broadmeadow Place Strategy, in partnership with the NSW Government. A new approach is being taken, where CN will lead the work to develop the place strategy and play an integral role in the strategic planning for the area.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said she welcomed the opportunity to work alongside the NSW Government to deliver long-term outcomes for the community and rezone land to support 2,000 new homes.
“We know our population is growing, and Broadmeadow provides a unique opportunity to deliver housing, job opportunities and public spaces and facilities right in the heart of the Newcastle LGA," Cr Nelmes said.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said a partnership between the NSW Government and council would deliver the best result for the community.
“We will work together to develop plans to transform Broadmeadow into a vibrant and connected community, with an abundance of housing, public spaces, and job opportunities,” Mr Scully said.
“This Place Strategy will inform detailed master planning for the precinct, and I encourage everyone to be part of the planning process and help shape Broadmeadow’s future.”
Locals who live, work and play in Broadmeadow are encouraged to help guide future change.
“We want to better understand the precinct's opportunities from the community’s perspective. Working with the community, and considering advice from the technical experts, we will plan for Broadmeadow’s future and create a new and enhanced place for people to live in and visit for years to come,” Cr Nelmes said.
Planning is in the early stages and there will be a range of opportunities for the community to provide their feedback on plans as they develop over the next 12 months.
The public is invited to provide feedback via a short survey available on City of Newcastle's website (https://haveyoursay.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/broadmeadow-place-strategy) and information drop-in sessions will be held so the community can learn more about the project.
Community information drop-in sessions will be held on:
- Wednesday 31 May from 10-1pm at Hamilton Library (46 James Street, Hamilton)
- Saturday 3 June from 1-4pm at Hamilton Library (46 James Street, Hamilton)
- Wednesday 7 June from 4-7pm at City of Newcastle Digital Library (12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West).