Community support for dual-lane road upgrades in Wallsend
08 Dec 2023
Community feedback has confirmed City of Newcastle is heading in the right direction with two planned road upgrade projects that will reduce traffic congestion in the western corridor.
More than 80 per cent of community submissions received as part of recent public exhibitions have indicated support to create two lanes of traffic in each direction along Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road.
Councillors will vote next week on the concept plans, which are designed to reduce traffic congestion and bottlenecks by widening and upgrading the roads, as well as remove unsafe right turns and add in separate, dedicated turning lanes where possible.
If the concept plans are supported by Council on Tuesday evening, the two projects will progress to detailed design, with construction of the multi-year project anticipated to start late 2024.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes welcomed the community's feedback on the much-needed upgrades, which are expected to improve traffic flow and reduce travel times.
"We heard from over 750 residents and commuters during the consultation process, with 80% supporting the plan," Cr Nelmes said.
Ward Four councillor and Wallsend resident Elizabeth Adamczyk added, "The strong response from the community affirms the need to prioritise the upgrades and ease congestion for the western corridor, improving safety for all road users."
The concept plan for the upgrade to Longworth Avenue provides dual-lane traffic in each direction and replaces right-hand turns into Braddon Street, Maitland Street, Bean Street and Cameron Street with alternative approaches to alleviate congestion caused by turning motorists.
Plans for Minmi Road include widening the road to provide two lanes in each direction from Summerhill Road to Maryland Drive, and a central median and separated turning lanes at Anna Place, McNaughton Avenue and the service station to help remove bottlenecks and improve safety.
While both projects will deliver safer, enhanced cycling and pedestrian connections, additional improvements for pedestrians are coming soon with construction of a new shared path along the stretch of Minmi Road between Kurraka Drive and Britannia Boulevard planned for construction early next year.
Future planned work within the western corridor includes investigation into providing two lanes of traffic east bound between Fletcher and Maryland and intersection improvements including at the Bunnings roundabout and Maryland Drive (east) and Minmi Road.
A Lord Mayoral Minute in 2022 allocated $26 million to the Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road projects.
The upgrade of Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with City of Newcastle.
The former NSW Government contributed a grant of $7.61 million.