Council update - 18 July 2017

18 July 2017

Following is a summary of the Public Voice and Development Application Committee meetings held on Tuesday 18 July 2017. Note: It is not a record of resolutions.

Public Voice Committee

Development application 2016/01478 - 4 Beach Street, Newcastle East

Council received presentations from objectors as well as the applicant and architect of the above development application. Objectors raise concerns about the appropriateness of design in the Newcastle East heritage conservation area, parking issues, privacy and loss of views. The applicant and architect outlined how the current proposal complies with planning documents and the changes that have been made to address concerns.

Development application 2017/00005 - 84 Carrington Street, Mayfield

Council received a presentation from an objector to the above development application who raised concerns about overshadowing, reduction of solar access/capture, privacy, lighting, traffic movements and impact on the amenity of neighbours. The objector also requested Council consider a resident parking scheme for the street and timed parking.

Development application 2017/00005 - 62 Fleming Street, Wickham

This item did not proceed.

Development Applications Committee

Development application 2017/00019 - 23 Alfred Street, Newcastle East

Council approved the development application for alterations and additions to the above property including a two-storey addition at the rear of the property.