Council update 25 July 2017
25 July 2017
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 25 July 2017. Note: it is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Council supported a Lord Mayoral Minute to develop a partnership with the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education to further the growth of the Children's University program throughout Newcastle.
Council supported another Lord Mayoral Minute to receive a report on the establishment of a Newcastle Design Review Panel to advise Council and other decision makers on the design of significant development proposals.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the usual report.
Little King Street, Newcastle West - proposed Raised Pedestrian crossing east of Stewart Avenue
Council has approved the installation of two raised thresholds with pedestrian crossings in Little King Street to improve access between an approved hotel and seniors living accommodation developments in Newcastle West.
Low lying areas strategic position paper - results of public exhibition
Council voted to adopt a Draft Strategic Position paper for Low Lying Areas in anticipation of rising sea levels.
Exhibition of draft amendment to section 4.04 safety and security of Newcastle Development Control Plan
Council voted to place draft amendments to a section of the Newcastle DCP 2012 concerning Safety and Security, and associated amendments to the glossary, on public exhibition for 28 days.
Endorsement for public exhibition of draft Affordable Living Plan
Council voted to place a draft Affordable Living Plan, which also considers access to transport, jobs and education and other services, on public exhibition for 28 days.
Adoption of section 94A development contributions plan 2009
Council has adopted the Section 94A Development Contributions Plan to retain the two per cent levy for non-residential development and return the levy to three per cent for residential development.
Land bounded by Mosbri Crescent and Kitchener Parade The Hill - Adoption of amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
This item was laid on the table.
Climate Council's Cities Power Partnership
Council resolved to receive a report on taking part in the Climate Council's Cities Power Partnership and adopt its five key actions to achieive greater energy efficiency.
United Nations Global Compact Cities Program - Australia Cities Partnership Program
Council voted to partner with other cities in the Global Compact Cities Program to help achieve the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals and advance the goal of becoming a smart, liveable and sustainable city.
Council resolved to make a submission to the Commonwealth House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities Inquiry into the Australian Government's role in the development of cities.
Permanent Effective Full Time Establishment
Council resolved to note the increase of budgeted full-time employees from 935 to 957 as a result of a recent Industrial Relations Commission agreement.
Notices of Motion
Newcastle Loves Live Music
Council supported a motion to work with partners to explore hosting a live micro music festival in Newcastle.
Recommendation from the Cycling Advisory Committee
Council supported a motion to note the release of Transport for NSW's Newcastle City Centre Cycleway Network Strategy and its limitations, such as the lack of a continuous east-west link.
Commuter parking
Council supported a motion to ask a committee undertaking an inquiry into commuter car parking in NSW to hold a hearing in Newcastle and resolved to make a submission supporting an integrated transport solution.
Permissible building cladding
Council supported a motion to conduct a review into the use of building cladding in Newcastle in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy in the United Kingdom.