Council update 27 June
27 June 2017
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to make a submission to the Commonwealth's House of Representatives Standing Committee in Infrastructure, Transport and Cities Inquiry into the Australian Government's role in the development of Cities.
A Lord Mayoral Minute to set up an ambassador program with key business and community stakeholders to promote Newcastle as a smart, liveable and sustainable city was supported.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the usual report.
Adoption of the 2013-2018 Delivery Program, 2017/18 Operational Plan and fees and charges for 2017/18
Council voted to adopt the delivery program, operational plan and new schedule of rates and charges for 2017/18.
Making the rate - Hunter Catchment Contribution and commission for the year commencing 1 July 2017
Council has endorsed the Hunter Local Land Services' Hunter Catchment Contribution Rate.
Write off of Sundry debt
Council has voted to write off an outstanding $43,000 account concerning unpaid rectification works after the debtor went into liquidation.
Interest on overdue rates and charges
A rate of 7.5 per cent interest will apply to overdue rates and charges for the next financial year.
Annual fees for Lord Mayor and councillors
Council voted not to increase annual fees of councillors and to re-allocate the budgeted 2.5 per cent increase to the delivery of the Wallsend Public Domain plan.
Renaming of the National Park Athletics Track
The track at National Park Athletics Facility will be renamed Fearnley Dawes Athletics Track after Paralympians Kurt Fearnley & Christie Dawes.
Cooks Hill Surf Lifesaving Club - Funding contribution
A report on council-funded building works at Cooks Hill Surf Club has been received.
Platt Street, Waratah - Proposed upgrade to existing zebra/ children's crossing
A zebra crossing outside Corpus Christi Primary School will be upgraded.
John T Bell Drive, Maryland Proposed pedestrian refuges
John T Bell Drive, Maryland, will get new pedestrian refuges and kerb extensions.
Exhibition of amendment to section 5.03 tree and vegetation management of Newcastle Development Control Plan
A draft amendment to a section of Newcastle DCP 2012 concerning tree management will be placed on public exhibition.
Adoption of section 7.11 Development Adjoining Laneways of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council voted to amend a section of the Newcastle DCP to guide development of adjoining laneways.
Adoption of section 3.03 Residential Development of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council adopted amendments to the Newcastle DCP to incorporate a new residential development section.
Notices of Motion
Throsby Creek Action Plan
A motion to support development of a Throsby Catchment Action Plan was supported.