Council update: Tuesday 27 November 2018
27 Nov 2018
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 27 November 2018. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute - 2018 Supercars Newcastle 500
The supported LMM declared the 2018 Newcastle 500 an outright success and thanked City staff who worked or volunteered for the event or worked with local businesses on the Entertain Newcastle program.
Lord Mayoral Minute - Recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee
The supported LMM noted that on 1 June 2019 the City's Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee will celebrate its 20th anniversary and that it will be recognised with an event during Reconciliation Week 2019.
Quarterly Budget Review Statement
Council received the statement and adopted the revised budget as detailed.
Executive monthly performance report
The report was received.
Adoption of the 2019 Council meeting cycle
The meeting cycle for 2019 was adopted.
Adoption of the revised Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer
Council adopted the revised Instrument of Delegation.
Appointment of replacement Councillor representative to the Fort Scratchley Historical Society
Cr Peta Winney-Baartz was appointed to the Fort Scratchley Historical Society for the term 28 Nov 2018 to 11 Sept 2020, with Cr Andrea Rufo as alternate.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns
Council noted the tabling of the report for 1 August to 15 November 2018
Endorsement of Planning Agreement - 464-470 King Street (Verve Development) Newcastle
Council resolved to let the planning agreement for 464-470 King St (Verve development) lay on the table until the Feb 2019 meeting.
Endorsement of 2017/18 Annual Report
Council received the Annual Report for 2017/18 and noted the submission to the NSW Minister for Local Government.
Solar uptake on residential buildings
Council received a report outlining opportunities to boost solar, electric vehicle and battery storage uptake in residential buildings.
Adoption of the draft Community Engagement Policy
The 2018-2021 Community Engagement Policy was adopted following public exhibition.
Adoption of the draft Newcastle After Dark Strategy 2018-2022
Council adopted the strategy following a six-week public engagement period.
Exhibition of Draft Live Music Strategy
Council resolved to place the draft Live Music Strategy on public exhibition for 28 days.
Adoption of amendment to Mayfield Alcohol Free Zone
Council resolved to adopt the amendment following public exhibition.
Commitment to Welcoming Cities Network
Council agreed to become a member of the Welcoming Cities Network.
Installation of Traffic Control Measures - Byron and Addison Streets, Beresfield
Council approved the proposed traffic control measures.
Land Acquisition - Road Purposes
Council authorised the acquisition of a small portion of privately owned land at 23 Clyde Street to facilitate an upgrade to the intersection of Chinchen and Clyde Streets, Islington.
Adoption of electricity microgrids in Newcastle
Council noted that options for the uptake of electricity microgrids in Newcastle continue to be investigated.
Notices of Motion (NOM)
NOM - Shortland Local Centre Upgrade
A NOM was supported to recognise that the Shortland Local Centre along Sandgate Road would greatly benefit from inclusion in the Local Centre Public Domain Program and to prepare a Public Domain Plan for the Shortland Local Centre.
NOM - Inner City Cycleway On Hunter Street
A NOM was supported to note the current lack of safe, separated cycleways along Hunter Street from Wickham Park to Union Street in Newcastle West and commence community consultation on the Draft West End Streetscape - Stage 2 concept plan.
NOM - Save our Recycling Campaign
A NOM was supported to endorse the Local Government NSW Save our Recycling Campaign, which calls on State Government to re-invest 100% of the waste levy into waste management and recycling activities.
Notice of Tabling Petition - Loss of public amenities Nobbys Beach
Council tabled a petition from Nobbys Action Group on loss of public amenities at Nobbys Beach.