Have your say on plans to reduce congestion along Longworth Avenue
26 June 2023
City of Newcastle (CN) is seeking feedback on concept plans to widen a notorious traffic bottleneck at Longworth Avenue, Wallsend, which is a major connecting road to Newcastle from Minmi and Fletcher.
The project is stage one of a large-scale infrastructure program that would significantly alleviate traffic congestion along Minmi Road.
The upgrade will widen and renew Longworth Avenue by providing two-lane traffic each way, with clearway parking restrictions during peak times, and includes stormwater upgrades and streetscape improvements.
The upgrade is considered the highest priority to alleviate congestion along the main arterial road into the western corridor.
Residents of the area have long identified the need to widen this road and provide two dedicated lanes of traffic to and from our western suburbs to ease the morning and afternoon commute.
The project will provide greater access to the Minmi and Fletcher communities, while working to reduce travel times, improve safety, and cater for population growth and increased vehicle movements in the area.
The draft concept plan provides dual-lane traffic in each direction and removes right-hand turns into Bean Street and Cameron Street to alleviate congestion caused by motorists turning at these intersections.
The Western Corridor Traffic and Transport Study conducted in 2018/19 and a Lane Configuration Study conducted in 2020 reported that removing right-hand turns from Longworth Avenue onto Cameron and Bean streets would improve traffic flow for vehicles travelling southbound across the intersection, particularly during afternoon peak times.
Commuters and residents who regularly travel along this road, are encouraged to have their say on the concept designs, to help shape the future of this important link to the city.
The feedback will be used to better understand the level of support from the community on the proposed plans, before finalising the scope and design options that will be presented to Council later this year.
To have your say on the draft concept plans visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay. Feedback closes on Monday 24 July 2023.
An information session will be held at Wallsend Library on Wednesday 12 July from 5pm to 6.30pm to provide the community with a chance to ask questions and give feedback on the project and its proposed design.
The upgrade of Longworth Avenue is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with City of Newcastle.