Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 April 2024
23 Apr 2024
Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 April 2024
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 23 April 2024. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Hunter Community Alliance Founding Assembly
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that notes the Hunter Community Alliance (HCA) held its Founding Assembly on 10 April 2024. City of Newcastle commits to working collaboratively with the HCA, particularly regarding climate change adaptation and risk mitigation at a local level, as well as the housing crisis which is being acutely felt in our region.
Acknowledging and celebrating IDAHOBIT Day
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledges and celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT Day), recognising the importance of promoting inclusivity, respect, and equality for all individuals within our community.
City of Newcastle commits to officially recognising and acknowledging IDAHOBIT Day each year as an important event in our city calendar and showing our support for Newcastle's LGBTQI+ community.
Support for the protection of coastal waters from offshore drilling and mining
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that noted with concern the ongoing threat of offshore drilling and mining off the coast of Newcastle as part of the PEP-11 proposal. City of Newcastle commits to writing to NSW Premier, Minister for Planning and Minister for the Environment in support of the Government's advocacy and action in respect of this issue.
IPART'S decision on Port of Newcastle and bypassing freight from residential Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that welcomed the recent decision of IPART that the current maximum value of a one-off compensation payment of $13 million can be made by the Port of Newcastle to the State of NSW under the Port of Newcastle Extinguishment of Liability Act 2022. City of Newcastle notes that IPART's determination finally brings clarification and a pathway towards a potential deep water container terminal at the Port of Newcastle. CN also notes the release of the NSW Government's Freight Policy Reform Program Consultation Paper and reiterates CN’s previous advocacy in relation to the Lower Hunter Freight Corridor, aimed at establishing a future dedicated freight rail line between Fassifern and Hexham, bypassing residential Newcastle.
Ordinary business
Public exhibition of Draft Delivering Newcastle 2040
Council unanimously voted to place the draft 2024 -2025 Delivering Newcastle 2040, and draft 2024-2025 Fees and Charges, on public exhibition for a period of 28 days prior to the final consideration by Council.
Adoption of the Georgetown Public Domain and Traffic Plan
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Georgetown Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan.
Endorsement of motions to the 2024 National General Assembly of Local Government
Council voted to endorse 10 motions for submission to the 2024 Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly.
Advisory Committee Annual Reports
Council received the Advisory Committee Annual Reports for the 2023 calendar year from the Access Inclusion Advisory Committee, Asset Advisory Committee, Community and Culture Advisory Committee, Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Infrastructure Advisory Committee, Liveable Cities Advisory Committee, Strategy and Innovation Advisory Committee and Newcastle Youth Council Advisory Committee.
Urban Design Review Panel Annual Report
Council received the Urban Design Review Panel Annual Report 2023.
Supplementary report - Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review
Council unanimously voted to adopt the amended Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservations Areas Review Final Report and resolved to commence the planning process to investigate further the findings within the report.
Upper Hunter Shire Council - Memorandum of Understanding
Council unanimously voted to endorse a Memorandum of Understanding with Upper Hunter Shire Council and delegate authority to the Lord Mayor to sign document on its behalf.
Muswellbrook Shire Council - Memorandum of Understanding
Council unanimously voted to endorse a Memorandum of Understanding with Muswellbrook Shire Council and delegate authority to the Lord Mayor to sign document on its behalf.
Minister's consent application for leasing City of Newcastle managed land
Council unanimously voted to make applications to the Minister for Local Government seeking consent to grant proposes leases over community land at Shepherds Hill Cottage and part of the community facility at Townson Oval.
Affixing council seal to deeds of indemnity for Newcastle Airport companies
Council unanimously voted to enter into and affix Council's seal to Deeds of Indemnity for recent Directors of Newcastle Airport Pty Limited and Greater Newcastle Aerotropolis Pty Ltd as listed in the report. Council voted to obtain a standing resolution to enter into and affix Council's seal to any future Deeds between Newcastle City Council, Port Stephens Council and officers of Newcastle Airport Pty Limited and Greater Newcastle Aerotropolis Pty Ltd on the grounds that they relate to the business of Newcastle City Council.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for March 2024.
Tender report - Foreshore Park amenities building contract number 2024/043T
Council unanimously voted to accept a tender for the construction of the Foreshore Park Amenities Building.
Notices of Motion
Creating a community garden in Beresfield
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to investigate a suitable location for a community garden in Beresfield, in consultation with the Beresfield community and in accordance with CN's community garden policy.
The 25th anniversary of the State Finals of the Science and Engineering Challenge held at the University of Newcastle
Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion to write to the organisers of the Science and Engineering Challenge to confirm if they are seeking a sponsorship from the City of Newcastle, and to direct them to the Sponsorship Guidelines, adopted by the current Council in 2023, for further information.
Improving amenity and safety in Hamilton for businesses, employees, residents and visitors to Awaba Park
Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion to coordinate a multi-cross agency meeting to confirm how agencies can better work together to address homelessness, mental health and alcohol and drug issues in Awaba Park, as well as reduce anti-social behaviour occurring in some parts of Hamilton.
Council will investigate the cost of signage in Awaba Park to prevent illegal dumping from donations that are not suitable due to inclement weather and do not meet best practice high quality food standards.
Council will write to the NSW Government and relevant local MPs seeking funding to source additional urgent crises accommodation, as well as an increase in police resourcing in Newcastle, and additional CCTV cameras that are facing onto Awaba Park.
Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty endorsement
Council supported an amended notice of motion to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and call on the Federal Government to also endorse the Treaty.
Establishing a permanent pathway for work experience
Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion to create a page on the corporate website that documents the many learning opportunities provided for young people at CN including work experience and how they can make an application.