Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 November 2021
23 Nov 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 23 November 2021. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Newcastle says no to Sydney's toxic waste from Northern Beaches Link project
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was supported that noted with concern the NSW Government's announcement of plans to ship toxic waste from the construction of the Northern Beaches Link to Newcastle. The LMM called for City of Newcastle to write to Premier Dominic Perrottet, and Minister Rob Stokes, advising that City of Newcastle will not accept toxic sludge from the Northern Beaches Link project at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Save Newcastle's After Hours GP Service
Councillors voted to support a Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) for City of Newcastle to write to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Minister for Health Greg Hunt, asking them to restore the full services of the Hunter Primary Care GP Access After Hours Service in Newcastle and the Hunter and reverse a decision to close the service at the Calvary Mater Hospital.
End of term and recognition of outgoing Councillors; Councillors Dunn, Rufo and Luke
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) noting that this meeting was the last Ordinary Council Meeting of an extended term, which began on 26 September 2017, and congratulating all staff and Councillors for their contribution, was supported by Councillors.
The LMM noted that this was the final meeting of retiring Councillors Jason Dunn, Andrea Rufo and Brad Luke and congratulated them for their contribution to the betterment of the City of Newcastle.
Ordinary business
Councillor Kath Elliott stay of suspension
Council noted the stay of suspension of Councillor Kath Elliott from Civic office, in accordance with Orders issued by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). The NCAT will hear Councillor Elliott's appeal against her suspension by the Office of Local Government on 13 December 2021.
Code of Conduct annual statistics
Council noted a report on City of Newcastle’s annual Code of Conduct complaints statistics for 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021, in accordance with Office of Local Government requirements.
Adoption of 2022 Council meeting schedule
Council resolved to adopt a meeting schedule for 2022 and amend the 2021 adopted meeting schedule to vacate the December 2021 Committee and Ordinary Council meetings due to the rescheduling of the Local Government Election to 4 December 2021.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 August to 31 October 2021 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Adoption of Gregson Park Masterplan and Heritage Places Plan of Management for Gregson Park
Council unanimously voted to adopt the amended Gregson Park Masterplan and the Heritage Places Plan of Management for Gregson Park, which included retaining the 'Sportsground' category over the southern section of the western tennis court.
Planning Proposal - Lingard Private Hospital - endorsement for public exhibition
Council unanimously voted to commence the statutory process for amending the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 for the rezoning and expansion of the Lingard Private Hospital on land at 23 Merewether Street and 8 Lingard Street, Merewether. This includes endorsing the Planning Proposal for the site and forwarding it to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a Gateway Determination and public exhibition.
Variations to Development Standards
Council received a report on approved development variations between 1 July to 30 September 2021 in accordance with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Endorsement of the 2020/21 Annual Report
Council unanimously voted to endorse City of Newcastle’s 2020/21 Annual Report and its submission to the NSW Minister for Local Government.
September quarterly performance report on the 2018-2022 delivery program
Council unanimously voted to receive the 2018-2022 Delivery Program - September Quarterly Performance Report.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council voted to receive the Executive Monthly Performance Report for October 2021.
Tender report - supply of four green waste trucks
Council unanimously resolved not to accept any tender for the supply of four green waste trucks for Contract No. 2021/714T, and instead continue maintenance of the current fleet until a business case is completed considering a transition to electric or alternative fuel vehicles to meet City of Newcastle's Climate Action Plan commitments.
Notices of Motion
End of term review - Councillor productivity
Council adopted a notice of motion (NOM) acknowledging that this is the final meeting of the 2017- 2021 term of Council and noting that Councillor-initiated motions are one of the key mechanisms that allow a Councillor to fulfill their role. During the 2017-2021 term of Council, there have been 51 ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Council where a total of 287 Councillor-initiated motions were considered.
Building on Local Centres Program success
Council unanimously adopted a notice of motion that commended City of Newcastle staff for the successful implementation of the Local Centres Program, which has seen almost $16 million invested into the delivery of infrastructure renewal at Beresfield, Carrington, Kotara, Merewether, Hamilton and Wallsend.
Projects are currently underway at Mitchell Street, Stockton and Shortland Local Centre, while detailed design and community consultation at Orchardtown Road, New Lambton is underway. Planning for the next stages of the Wallsend Local Centre almost complete, while Georgetown and Waratah Local Centres have been initiated following a successful Notice of Motion carried in May 2021.
The NOM called for City of Newcastle to initiate detailed planning for Local Centre upgrades at Maitland Road, Mayfield, in consultation with the recently re-formed Mayfield BIA.
Two-year anniversary of Summerhill solar farm
Council unanimously adopted a notice of motion to mark the two-year anniversary of City of Newcastle's (CN) solar farm at Summerhill Waste Management Centre, noting that success of the solar farm and its role, alongside the Sapphire Wind Farm power purchase contract, in allowing CN to meet 100 per cent of its power supply through renewable energy sources.
The NOM calls for CN to commit to taking all actions required to meet net zero emissions for CN's operations by 2030.
The NOM also noted CN now has more than 800 kilowatts of photovoltaic solar systems installed across 16 key sites with additional systems being delivered and called for CN to explore options to further increase our solar energy generation capabilities at all available Council sites.
Local sporting facility upgrades 2017-2021
Council adopted a notice of motion that noted that City of Newcastle (CN) has invested more than $87 million on the city’s open spaces since 2017 and congratulated CN staff for the delivery of more than $21 million worth of capital works upgrades for local sporting facilities during the last term of Council.
It called for CN to write to the new Deputy Premier, Paul Toole, asking that the NSW Government provide fair and equitable access to significant grant funding programs, not currently available to Newcastle, to improve our female sporting facilities, including change rooms.
Koala habitat
Council adopted a notice of motion that noted the significant decline in NSW koala populations since 1990 and the need for coordinated action to ensure future generations can see these iconic species in the wild.
The NOM called for City of Newcastle to write to the NSW Premier and several Ministers asking for the retention of various environmental planning provisions, and for planning certainty, resources and support to identify core koala habitat and the development of Koala Plans of Management.
Protecting the green corridor
Council adopted a notice of motion that advocates for greater recognition and the permanent protection of the ‘Green Corridor’, an intact ecological corridor that links the Watagans and Yengo National Parks with the coastal plains of the Tomago Sand beds, Stockton Bight and Port Stephens, as part of the review of the Hunter Regional Plan.