Pop-up cycleway for Honeysuckle Drive
02 July 2020
City of Newcastle has partnered with Transport for NSW to create a temporary cycleway along Honeysuckle Drive to improve connectivity between Steel Street and Worth Place while major construction projects are completed in the area.
The cycleway will be delivered as part of Transport for NSW’s roadside public spaces trial to improve access for pedestrians and cyclists during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Site of new cycleway.
“As development continues along the harbour, the 150m cycleway will provide a vital connection between the existing off-road shared paths east of Steel Street along the Foreshore,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“The temporary separated bi-directional cycleway will replace kerbside parking on the northern side of Honeysuckle Drive to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe from traffic, and provide space for people to maintain physical distancing.
“A reduced speed limit of 30km/hr will also be trialled from Hannell Street along Honeysuckle Drive, Wharf Road and Shortland Esplanade to the Watt Street intersection to further improve pedestrian and cyclist safety along this popular route.”
Transition ramps will be installed to join the proposed cycleway to adjoining shared paths.
The $100,000 project has been funded by Transport for NSW and will be delivered by the City.
Work is underway and is expected to be completed by mid-July.