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    23 Sept 2019

    ‘Hardworking man’s softer, gentler side’ wins Kilgour Prize 2019 People's Choice

    Joshua McPherson has won the KILGOUR PRIZE 2019 People’s Choice Award for a portrait capturing the death of a beloved pet.

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    20 Sept 2019

    Multimillion-dollar investment for a smarter, safer Beresfield

    Beresfield has received the first free Wi-Fi outside of the Newcastle city centre as part of a $3 million investment to revitalise and beautify the area.
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    20 Sept 2019

    City delivers works in face of ongoing Stockton erosion

    City of Newcastle will undertake multi-million dollar works at the northern end of the Mitchell Street seawall to protect it from future failure caused by ongoing coastal erosion.

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    12 Sept 2019

    New Civic home for Visitor Information Centre

    The former Civic Station will be transformed into the City’s Visitor Information Centre for both local and international visitors.
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    09 Sept 2019

    Hamilton’s heritage character to be preserved

    The unique character of Hamilton’s residential streetscapes will be preserved for future generations following the creation of the City’s first substantial heritage conservation area in 20 years.
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    05 Sept 2019

    City commits to supporting flagship events

    City of Newcastle has locked in three years of support for two flagship community events that attract tens of thousands of people to the city each year.
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    04 Sept 2019

    Afghani refugee happy to call Newcastle home

    At 21 the life of Afghani refugee Zarmina Ali was a far cry from that enjoyed by most men and women celebrating their rite of passage to adulthood in Australia. 
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    03 Sept 2019

    City’s cultural duo appointed to State roles

    The Directors of Newcastle’s museum and art gallery have been recognised for their leading industry knowledge following their appointment to newly established Create NSW Artform Advisory Boards. 
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    30 Aug 2019

    Pioneering civic leader to be immortalised in bronze

    A bronze statue paying homage to Australia’s first female Lord Mayor will take pride of place in front of the former Civic Station in the heart of Newcastle as part of ongoing revitalisation works. The late Joy Cummings OAM will become one of the only women in NSW to be immortalised in bronze, and the first person in Newcastle to be bestowed the honour.
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    29 Aug 2019

    Ward boundaries under review

    Under the NSW Local Government Act 1993, the City of Newcastle is required to review the distribution of voters across its Local Government Area Wards, and residents are now invited to have their say on proposed changes prior to next year’s Council elections.