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    18 May 2018

    New electric bike stations first spoke in smart transport wheel

    Newcastle is pedalling fast into the future through the installation of smart, alternate modes of transport that will help us move people efficiently and sustainably around our city.
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    17 May 2018

    Preparations begin for Foreshore tree replanting

    Preparations have begun for the next stage of tree replanting in Newcastle's Foreshore Park - a project which will create a greener public space with vastly more usable shade.

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    17 May 2018

    Memorial Walk features on stamp sheetlet

    Newcastle's Anzac Memorial Walk is fast becoming a tourist attraction and now Australia Post will feature the clifftop walkway in a stamp sheelet linked to the Centenary of Anzac.

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    16 May 2018

    Council and community to develop make-over for Stevenson Park, Mayfield West

    Stevenson Park in Mayfield West, one of Newcastle's most well utilised parks, is set for a make-over. Newcastle City Council is offering local sporting groups and the broader community an opportunity to participate in updating the Stevenson Park masterplan.
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    15 May 2018

    Council buildings once-in-a-lifetime real estate opportunity

    University students, tourists and members of the state's legal community are among potential future occupants of Newcastle City Council's two Civic administration buildings.

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    14 May 2018

    Glebe Road Federation cottages recommended to be named heritage

    Some of Newcastle's finest examples of Federation architecture are a step closer to being preserved for future generations after being recommended for heritage conservation by Newcastle City Council.

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    11 May 2018

    The Archibald Prize 2017 in Newcastle

    The Archibald Prize 2017 Regional Tour exhibition opens Saturday 12 May at Newcastle Art Gallery, bringing the eagerly anticipated show to art-loving audiences in the Hunter region.
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    09 May 2018

    Free Saturday parking to help city traders

    Inner-city businesses are set for a much-needed weekend boost thanks to a move by Newcastle City Council and Newcastle Now to offer free parking on Saturdays at the King St car park.

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    03 May 2018

    Huge economic bump from Hyundai A-League Grand Final

    With 5,000 tickets to Saturday's Hyundai A-League Grand Final going to interstate visitors, Newcastle is set to reap almost $2 million in economic gains from accommodation and other spending across the weekend.
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    02 May 2018

    Jets live site in King Edward Park

    Novocastrians who missed out on a ticket to Saturday evening's Hyundai A-League Grand Final at McDonald Jones Stadium can still be a part of the historic night at a family-friendly live site in King Edward Park.