City strengthens Anzac Day partnerships
City of Newcastle’s strong commitment to commemorating the Anzac spirit continues with a $100,000 Presenting Partner sponsorship ensuring the delivery of the second largest Anzac Dawn Service in Australia.
City budget targets young talent
When the City of Newcastle announces its proposed 2019/20 budget next Wednesday, it will include a commitment of more than $2.5 million to fund 44 roles targeted at recent university graduates and undergraduates, aspiring trainees and apprentices.
First fenced park planned for City’s pooches
City of Newcastle will build the city’s first fenced dog park where owners can legally let their dogs roam free inside their very own playground.
City steps up to fund Park and Ride
City of Newcastle will fund the operation of Park and Ride for at least another month after Transport for NSW (TfNSW) failed to commit to the highly popular service beyond March.
Statement on Business Improvement Associations
Business Improvement Association (BIA) Newcastle Now has been issued a ‘please explain’ over a $1.1 million discrepancy relating to employee expenses. This follows a review of financial figures provided by Newcastle Now as part of a City of Newcastle review of BIAs and their operations
Council update: Tuesday 26 March 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 26 March 2019. NB: It is not a full record of resolutions.
State Government decision looming for Park and Ride
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has informed City of Newcastle it will make a decision Friday on the continuation of the successful park and ride commuter bus service into the city.
Progress on City admin buildings
City of Newcastle has completed the sale of its Roundhouse building to Crystalbrook Collection for 22 per cent above a valuation undertaken in July last year and will offer the Fred Ash Building for sale or lease later this year to capitalise on its location next to the city’s first five-star hotel.
City invites public to museum Valuation Day
Novocastrians with family heirlooms or trinkets dating back generations can find out if they’re sitting on a million-dollar fortune at Newcastle Museum this Saturday.
Parking discounts driving-up app’s use
Record numbers of drivers are using the City’s EasyPark mobile phone app to take advantage of 25 per cent discounts on hourly rates.