Delivering for Wickham
We are committed to enabling high quality streetscapes and public places in Wickham for residents and visitors to enjoy.
A Public Domain Plan (PDP) for Wickham has been developed in consultation with the local community. It celebrates the unique character of Wickham and aims to create a welcoming and positive environment while also improving safety and accessibility.
The Plan was unanimously adopted by the elected Council in November 2023. It provides guidance to developers, City of Newcastle and other parties carrying out public domain works in the area, delivering on the vision and objectives for Wickham established in the Wickham Masterplan 2021.
Key features of the Public Domain Plan include:
- Improved footpath conditions.
- Creation of new community spaces including a linear park along the Bullock Island Railway Corridor with active transport links.
- New laneways and connecting roads.
- New tree plantings and landscaping throughout the precinct.
- The upgrade of Union Street to be an attractive pathway to the heart of the precinct.
Delivery of the elements set out in the Plan will occur over many years, with some elements delivered by City of Newcastle, and some delivered by third parties including developers.
What's happening now?
We are currently in the planning stages for the upgrade of Union Street, the 'village heart'.
We are reviewing suggested technical strategies that have been created for each part of the project design. This is a crucial step to ensure that the strategies inform the detailed designs for the improvements on Union Street, following the main principles outlined in the Wickham PDP.
What happens next?
This review allows us to continue to improve and develop designs, receive the necessary planning approvals and specialist reports, so we can start planning for future construction.
We will keep you informed on the timing of these next steps, including timing for construction once this is confirmed.
Background information
You can find out more about how we engaged with the community to develop the Public Domain Plan on our Have Your Say page.