Pedestrian and traffic improvement program
We will be working on a range of traffic management and pedestrian improvement projects under the LATM (Local Area Traffic Management) and PAMP (Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan) programs in the 2024/2025 financial year.
The projects are at various stages of investigation, planning, design and/or construction. For some projects, we need to undertake more consultation before designs are finalised.
Pedestrian improvement projects:
Hannah Street and Ranclaud Street, Wallsend - Construction of a footpath on Hannah Street and Ranclaud Street, Wallsend, from Macquarie Street to Clarke Street and design of stage 2 of the project to extend the path to the existing path past Fletcher Street. |
Traise Street, Waratah - Construction of a footpath on Traise Street and Christo Road to connect to Lambton Road, with investigation of Stage 2 of the project to connect Clarence Road to the corner of Griffith Road and Verulam Road. |
Ruskin Street, Beresfield - Construction of a footpath on the west side of Ruskin Street between Percy Street and Newton Street with Stage 2 of the project to design a footpath on Oglive Street. |
Freyberg Street, New Lambton - Construction of footpath on Freyburg Street between Orchardtown Road and Birdwood Street. |
Orchardtown Road, New Lambton - Construction of footpath on Ochardtown Road between Novocastrian Park and Watson Street. |
Frederick Street, Merewether - Construction of a footpath on Frederick Street between Berner Street and Coane Street. |
Wentworth Street, Wallsend - Design of footpaths on Wentworth Street, Tyrrell Street and Neilson Street, Wallsend near St Patrick School. |
Delando Street, Waratah - Design of a footpath on the south side of Delando Street from Lambton Road and on the west side of Crescent Road to Christo Road. |
Chiplin Street, New Lambton - Design of footpath on Chipin Street between Hawkins Street and Wickham Street. |
Curley Road, Broadmeadow - Design of footpath on Curley Road between Moira Road and Denney Street. |
Dumaresq Street, Broadmeadow - Design of footpath on Dumaresq Street between Beaumont Street and Steel Street. |
Carnley Avenue, New Lambton - Design of footpaths along Carnley Avenue between Orchardtown Road and Bridges Road to complete missing connections. |
Denison Street, Hamilton East - Investigation of crossing improvements in Denison Street, Hamilton East at Parkway Avenue. |
Local area traffic management projects:
Glebe Road at Park Avenue, Adamstown - Design and construction of traffic signals. The project has been delayed but construction is expected to commence in 2025 to align with works planned in the rail corridor. |
Memorial Drive, Bar Beach – Detailed design of pedestrian and cycling improvements in Memorial Drive, Bar Beach, including a raised crossing and a new shared path connection between Bar Beach and Parkway Avenue. |
Croudace Road, Elermore Vale - Investigation and design of traffic signals at the intersection of Croudace Road and Garsdale Avenue, Elermore Vale. |
Wood Street, Newcastle - Design of a raised crossing at the intersection of Hunter Street and modification to allow one way traffic flow south bound on Wood Street, with provision of cycling facilities to maintain access for northbound cyclists. |
Woodford Street, Minmi - Design of crossing improvements on Woodford Street, Minmi at Minmi Public School. |
Prince Street, Waratah - Investigation and design of traffic calming devices. |