Passmore Oval Wickham Grandstand

Wickham’s Passmore Oval is home to the Hamilton Hawks Rugby Club and is shared with cricket clubs in the summer.
We have delivered a new two-storey structure built behind the current heritage-listed grandstand. The extension and upgrade of the grandstand includes female change rooms, a meeting room and disability features such as amenities, a lift and viewing space for wheelchair users.
These works are in line with our 10-year Strategic Sports Plan which aims to provide amenities that support universal access and meet the growing population and future demand of the Newcastle community.
Works completed
The $2.6 million project was a collaboration between City of Newcastle (CN) and the Hamilton Hawks Rugby Union Club, which successfully applied for $1 million from the NSW Government under the Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund. The upgrade included:
Dedicated female changerooms.
A shared exercise and training area.
New storage rooms.
A new community meeting room.
A new lift and accessibility improvements.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes joins CN staff, President of Hamilton Hawks Rugby Union Club Lesa Mason, Hawks players and officials, Hamilton-Wickham Cricket Club secretary Paul Rodgers and EJE Architecture representatives at the new-look Passmore Oval grandstand.
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