Fernleigh Track, Tunnel Renewal

Renewal of the Fernleigh Track tunnel
Rich in history, the Fernleigh Track existed as a railway line in the 1890s, transporting coal from the mines in Lake Macquarie to the Port of Newcastle. From coal hauling to one of the Hunter region’s most popular shared pathways, it is a city jewel that we are committed to maintaining to ensure it can continue to be enjoyed and experienced by users for generations to come.
Upgrades to improve safety for everyone
We plan to undertake maintenance and renewal works on the Fernleigh Tunnel, a highlight along the Fernleigh Track.
An annual engineering inspection identified necessary works to ensure the safety, longevity, and functionality of this much-loved community asset.
This will include reinforcing the iconic brickworks with steel mesh, repairing water damage and applying anti-graffiti coating.
These planned works will promote the longevity of our infrastructure while supporting active lifestyles.
Next steps
We are currently preparing to engage a contractor to undertake these works.
More information will be provided to the community as planning progresses.