Hunter Street Trial Cycleway
Stage 1 - Between National Park Street and Worth Place - Construction complete.
In September 2021, we finished works on separated cycleways (both sides of the road) between National Park Street and Worth Place. The project will make it safer for cyclists and maintain traffic flow for vehicles
Key features of the project included:
- A physical separation of vehicles and bikes with a dedicated cycleway next to the footpath on both sides of Hunter Street.
- A one travel lane for vehicles on Hunter Street in each direction, between National Park Street and Worth Place.
- A reduced speed limit to 40km/h.
- A buffer zone between the parking lanes and cycle lane.
- Relocation of existing bus stops.
This project received $525,000 in funding as part of the NSW Government’s Streets as Shared Spaces program and follows the recently completed Queens Wharf Cycleway Bypass.
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Stage 2 - Between National Park Street and Ivy Street - In approvals
We are now planning Stage 2 of the Trial Cycleway delivering a separated cycleway between National Park Street and Ivy Street.
This work is a continuation of the existing trial cycleway on Hunter Street, creating a 2km long dedicated lane for cyclists, connecting Hamilton to the city.
Future cycleways will also feed into this cycleway to achieve a comprehensive cycling network.
This stage proposes a reduction to one travel lane on each side of the road to improve pedestrian safety and allow for parking to be retained, new treatments at all intersections and at the rail bridge, and safe buffer zones with plastic separators.
The project has been made possible with a $1,500,000 grant from Transport for NSW under the NSW Government's Get NSW Active Program.
Stage 2 is awaiting approval from the relevant authorities, which has pushed back our anticipated start date for the works. We are actively collaborating with the authorities and we aim to commence work in 2025 following relevant approvals.
Have Your Say
Thanks for having your say! The concept designs for the Hunter Street Trial Cycleway - Stage 2 Extension were unanimously adopted by Council on 12 December 2023. To find out more and view the engagement report visit our Have Your Say page.
Why are we doing this?
This project is part of an ongoing effort to deliver safe, connected and convenient cycleways across the city.
Implementation of a cycling network in the city centre is a key element of the City Centre Revitalisation Program, and critical for increasing active transport, renewing Hunter Street and delivering on the transport objectives outlined in the Newcastle 2040 Community Strategy Plan.
This route is also an important link in the city's proposed network as identified in the On Our Bikes – Cycle Plan 2021-2030.
The purpose of the trial is to increase safety, comfort and amenity for pedestrians and cyclists in Hunter Street while maintaining reasonable access for vehicles.
Want to know more about cycleways in Newcastle?
Visit our cycleways page to find out more including maps of our cycleway network.